One in every six men will get prostate cancer according to The American Cancer Society. How do you know if you are at risk?
Here are the most common risk factors. If you believe you are at risk, it is important to act early and quickly. Your best chances of preventing further complications are with early treatment.
As men age, the risk of developing prostate cancer increases significantly. By age fifty, almost 33 percent of men have small prostate tumors. This figure increases to 75 percent by age eighty and 90 percent by age ninety.

Research shows a direct relationship between hormone levels and race. High levels of the hormone, testosterone, increases the rate of prostate cancer.
Asians – have the least risk because they have the lowest testosterone levels.
Caucasians – fall into the middle risk group.
African-American – have twice the incident of prostate cancer because they have the highest testosterone levels.
Men with low levels of sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG), another male hormone, are at increased risk. Men who have high levels of the female hormone, estradiol, seem to be at less risk for developing prostate cancer.
Family History
The average man’s risk of developing prostate cancer is between 10% and 15%.
Risk doubles if a single family member has had prostate cancer. Risk becomes two to five times greater if two family members have had the condition. Risk factors remain the same regardless of whether the prostate cancer occurred on your mother’s or father’s side of the family.